Sambolo beach in Banten Indonesia

Sambolo Beach, White Sand Destinations Stunning in Banten - #Banten Sambolo Beach Tourism is one of the fascinating natural #wisata in Banten Province. Sambolo beach located between lines Anyer beach area. #Pantai Is suitable to be used as a weekend getaway destination with loved ones or a vacation with a close friend.

Sambolo beach panorama very beautiful and fascinating, this beach has a brownish white sand, sea water is clean and clear. For adventurous friend who never traveled to the coast of Anyer certainly not spent time relaxing on the beach Sambolo charming.

Sambolo beach in Banten Indonesia
Sambolo beach in Banten Indonesia

Beauty and beach tourism activities Sambolo Banten

Sambolo coast of Banten is a very beautiful beach, the morning on the beach Sambolo we will see the wonderful view of the sunrise shining sea water clean and clear.
In addition to enjoying the beautiful natural scenery, on this beach we can swim, play water, beach volleyball and other tourist activities.
On the beach Sambolo also available public facilities, shop accessories and cideramata. Here too we can enjoy the culinary #wisata serves delicious seafood dishes.

For visitors who want to stay, along the coastal area of Anyer available lodging places with different tariffs.

If my friend adventurous plans to visit the coast of Anyer in the near future, do not forget gave time for sightseeing and enjoying the seafood at the beach Sambolo Banten.

Access to the beach Sambolo Banten

Sambolo beaches are on track Anyer beach resort, so to get to the destination that this one is easy, namely from the direction we are passing through the toll Tangerang Jakarta Merak, Cilegon up at the toll booth we just follow the instructions in the direction of Anyer beach destination.

Trip in Cilegon path, we will pass through the industrial area. There are plants that are already familiar, namely PT. Krakatau Steel. This plant is the largest steel smelting plant in Indonesia. From this factory, the distance to the destination location Sambolo beach is not far away.

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