Visited Hill Breksi In Yogyakarta

Breccia hill is one of the new tourist attractions in Jogja which managed to attract the attention of many people. At first, this hill is just an ordinary stone quarry which resembles a small hill height of approximately 20 m. But lately, the tourists who want to visit Candi Ijo taking the time to stop by this place to just take pictures. Besides looks exotic, Breccia Cliffs also offers incredible views of the landscape. From the cliff, visitors can see the Prambanan, Sojiwan and Barong are backed by stout Merapi. Not only that, similar to the brown rock canyon in Semarang is also offering a tempting panorama dusk.

Breccia cliffs, High Art Worth Destinations in Yogyakarta - Talk about tourist attractions in Yogyakarta are endless, every inch of land to save the beauty and charm of the extraordinary.In addition to having a variety of historical sights, beach tourism and culinary tourism, Yogyakarta also has a unique destination of high artistic value, the Breccia Cliffs, located in the hamlet Groyokan, Sambirejo village, Prambanan subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Visited Hill Breksi In Yogyakarta
Visited Hill Breksi In Yogyakarta

The cliffs were unveiled by King Ngayogyakarta This is a small hill formed by the rock mining activity by local people. Before citizens mining, this hill-shaped hill just ordinary.
However, not unexpectedly, a former stone quarry produces cliff high artistic value which has its own uniqueness. Breccia cliffs are very beautiful and attractive, its shape looks like a deliberately carved so that it becomes one of the most visited natural attractions in Yogyakarta.
Its location was adjacent to the Ijo, which is only about 1 kilometer away. So if we went to Breccia Cliffs can all traveled to Candi Ijo.

 Breccia cliffs presents a panorama very beautiful and amazing. In the vicinity of these cliffs there are a lot of rocks from the mining community. From the top of the cliff we can see the temples around the cliffs are like Candi Ijo, Prambanan, Sojiwan and Barong.

The right time to visit Breccia Cliffs is in the afternoon. In the afternoon because we can enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of dusk in the top of the cliff. Meanwhile, during the day, is not recommended to visit this place because the sun is quite hot.
Access to the Breccia Cliffs way uphill, not so good and less wide. Visitors are free to levy a nominal certainly, we can give seikhlasnya only.
If we're exploring destinations Yogyakarta, Breccia Cliffs is one of the best places worth visiting.

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